How it is —> How it should be.
How it is:
I’m stressed —> My world is dangerous
I’m relaxed —> My world is safe
How it should be:
My world is dangerous —> I’m stressed
My world is safe —> I’m relaxed
What to do?
Our bodies have not caught up, evolutionarily speaking, to the world that we’ve created.
Our unconscious minds used to respond to life threats with the fight or flight response. When we weren’t in imminent danger, we could relax.
Our bodies need to relax in order to nourish and repair themselves.
Now the same mind responds to the intensity of information overload and our extraordinary complicated lives with the same response.
Things like work pressure, bills, and traffic jams feel as though our lives are under attack… right now.
The more complicated we perceive our lives to be, the more stressed we become. The more stressed we become, the more dangerous our world appears.
The only way to see anything clearly is to STOP.
Ask yourself this question:
Is my life in danger in this moment, yes or no?
—> If yes - stop thinking and run or fight!
—> If no - Take a breath gently and deeply into your belly. This signals the brain that you are safe. Take a few more gentle breaths. Your belly should expand as you inhale. Let your shoulders drop. Unclench that jaw.
Then ask yourself, what’s my next best action to take now?
Do that.