More thoughts on the Morning Practice.

Everyone has a morning routine. Most do not have a morning practice.

They’re different.

You may have a routine by default. You get up, brush your teeth, eat breakfast … whatever it is. More likely you get up, look at your phone …

These are habits you’ve created either consciously or unconsciously.

It’s just what you do.

A morning practice is something that you do consciously to connect with yourself at a deep level.

You do this every day that you can.

A routine is a series of repeated steps to get something done.

A practice is a series of repeated steps designed to take us towards a goal.

Getting dressed is a routine. Meditation is a practice.

Eating breakfast is a routine. Playing music is a practice.

Yoga is a practice. Writing, art, exercise, even gratitude can be a practice.

These practices connect us - mind, body, and spirit.

They hone our nervous systems.

They reprogram our minds and bodies.

When done on a regular basis, they change us.

As we change or deepen our connection with ourselves, the world around us changes, too.

Our relationships take on a different shape.

Those with whom we work notice our presence and bring their best to us.

When we attend to ourselves each morning, our day is filled with attention.

What we attend to grows.

Think about adopting a morning practice to nurture and grow yourself into the incredible person you already know yourself to be.


Managing intensity.


The Morning Practice